Violence Risk from Chicago's Far Left: A Social Science Perspective
Layers on Layers, 2025
We Need More Transparency on Actions of Campus Officers at Private Universities
Chicago Tribune, 2024 (unlisted co-author)
Has Jesse Sharkey's Fringe Socialism Shaped CTU Political Spending and Chicago's Politics?
Layers on Layers, 2022
Raise the Minimum Wage to Reduce Chicago's Pandemic Uncertainty
The Daily Line, 2021
The Daleys of Chicago Need Accountability in Ongoing Loan Scandal
Counterpunch, 2021
Foreign Election Interference Demands Union Vigilance on Divisive Rhetoric
The Daily Line, 2020
What Are Future Prospects of Chicago’s DSA Politicians? Police Reform Offers a Clue
The Daily Line, 2020
The Need for Development of Consistent Standard Procedure in Addressing Student Academic Misconduct Across Institutions in the United States
Collaboration with Morteza Mahmoudi and primary author Niloufar Zia
Available as preprint, 2023
Accreditors Must Ensure the Integrity of the Complaint Process
Collaboration with Morteza Mahmoudi
Available as preprint, 2023
Inside Higher Ed, 2021
How to Bypass Bullies and Get to Graduation
Higher Education's Scrutiny Gap: Is Corruption Getting a Free Pass? Counterpunch, 2015
Reform Higher Ed? Treat Badmin like Bankers
Higher Education's Aristocrats Jacobin, 2014
Jacobin, 2014
Inside Higher Ed, 2013
Michelle Chen
Budget Cuts, Layoffs, and a $1.5 Billion Campus Remodeling—What’s Wrong With This Picture?
The Nation, 2015
Steven R. Strahler
The Bill for U of C's Expansion is Coming Due
Crain's Chicago Business, 2015
George Leef
If the University of Chicago were a Business...
National Review, 2014
Claire Potter
Today's Quiz: What is the Difference Between a Non-Profit and a For-Profit?
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2014
In recent years, a unique achievement of David Mihalyfy was in 2018 when he uncovered a major financial scandal involving Chicago’s Daley political dynasty.
Combing through paperwork, he identified signs of financial irregularities in a loan that the Daleys had gotten from a local bank in 2017 just prior to its failure, and he used his position as a long-shot aldermanic candidate to create press coverage of these irregularities.
Before this, the Daleys had deflected meaningful scrutiny, and their loan was not known to be out of the ordinary.
Subsequently, the Chicago Sun-Times unearthed more details and eventually reported in April 2019 that the Daleys’ loan lacked collateral.
The Daley loan scandal is now frequently mentioned in press coverage about the failed bank and related legal proceedings like the felony conviction of a Chicago alderman, most recently as of May 2024.