David Mihalyfy


Heterodoxies and the Historical Jesus: Biblical Criticism of the Gospels in the U.S, 1794-1860  

University of Chicago, 2017


A Recent Trend of RICO Prosecutions and Civil Suits Against NRMs and "Cults"

Accepted for publication at Nova Religio (tentative publication of August 2025)

Four Newly-Identified N + S-Stem Verbs in the Tale of the Eloquent Peasant and the London-Leiden Magical Papyrus

Prepared for publication and undergoing peer review, 2025

The Origin of the Later Egyptian Discontinuous Negative Particle iwn3 ~ in ~ AN as a Reanalyzed Lexical Reinforcer “Piece”

Prepared for publication and undergoing peer review, 2024

A Productive Survival of Afroasiatic N-Stems in Egyptian: Preliminaries for a New Paradigm

Prepared for publication and undergoing peer review, 2023

Three New-Identified N-Stem Verbs in the Debate Between a Man and His Soul

Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, 2022-2023

An Inchoative Aspectual Value in the Coptic Statives (Qualitatives) of "Ongoing Motion"?:

A Short Case Study from Shenoute

Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, 2022-2023

Re-examining Spelling and Pronunciation in Coptic:

A Case for the Intervocalic and Post-nasal Allophonic Voicing of Obstruents 
Le Muséon, 2012



Review: James P. Allen's "Coptic: A Grammar of Its Six Major Dialects"

Ancient Jew Review, 2024

Review: Emily Ogden's "Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism" 

Nova Religio, 2020

Review: William Sims Bainbridge's "Revival: Resurrecting the Process Church of the Final Judgment" 

Nova Religio, 2019

Review: Annalisa Butticci's "African Pentecostals in Catholic Europe" and related works 

Nova Religio, 2019

Review: Kate Bornstein's "A Queer and Pleasant Danger" 

Nova Religio, 2017

Review: Joel Cabrita's "Text and Authority in the South African Nazaretha Church" 

Nova Religio, 2016

Review: David Burns's "The Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus" 

Journal of Religion, 2014



Synthetic Study of Post-WWII American Left is Needed, Possibilities for Study of Peoples Temple  

the jonestown report, 2018

NRM Teaching Challenges: Reflections on Combatting Dehumanization  

the jonestown report, 2015

NRM Teaching Challenges: Thinking Along with Peoples Temple Survivors  

the jonestown report, 2014


"So, Ancient Egyptian's Actually a Lot Like English...":

A Case for Analyzing Some 'Suffix Conjugation' as Auxiliary Verbs like "Can," "Will," and "Have"

Sixth Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium, 21 September 2023.

Envisioning More Effective Egyptian Language Instruction:

The Importance of Integrated, Updatable, and Accessible Textbooks

Fifth Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium, 21 October 2023.

Re-reading the Soul-Dialogue, Wenamun, and the Shipwrecked Sailor for Transformed N-stem Verbs:

Plus, How Reconstructing a 1st Person Plural Pronoun /nu/ Helps Explain Their Orthographic Trajectories

Fourth Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium, 15 October 2022.

A Limited Survival of Afro-Asiatic N-stem Verbs in Later Egyptian?:
A New Theory of Coptic Adjectival Verbs, with Implications for the First Future

Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen, 11 May 2022.

From Greek Circumflex Accent to Coptic Supralinear Stroke?:

A New Proposal for the Origins of a Major Orthographic Convention to Mark Vowels in Egyptian

Third Annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium, 30 October 2021

Vestiges of Partially Justified Paranoia: How the Illuminati Birthed "German Biblical Scholarship"

Metacriticism of Biblical Scholarship Consultation, Society of Biblical LIterature, 2013

Re-examining Spelling and Pronunciation in Coptic: A Linguistic Argument and Implications for the Historical Study of Texts Such as Those of the Nag Hammadi Codices

Gospels Session, Midwest Region of the Society of Biblical LIterature, 2011